www.drsusanna.org: essays, videos, audios, pictures and news feeds from countries in Africa, from countries in the Caribbean, from countries with African communities
www.mjota.org: health topics and the Medical Writing Institute
Life has a nasty way of ending when we have just revved ourselves up and written a masterpiece. Do you have a manuscript for a book, journal, novella, pamphlet that you want to have published, but do not want to deal with printers, distributors, big chain or small independent booksellers? We have a plan click here.
During 2015, we would like to publish ebooks, audio books and print books by other authors. If you would like Emerald Pademelon Press LLC to consider publishing your ebook or print book, publisher@mjota.org.
February 18th 2015, 2 years, 13 days in Pretoria Central Prison: all 4 of Congolese ACQUITTED!!!!! Allelujah! Huge victory for the South African justice system!!!!!!!!
"Philadelphia sends love to 20 good men, jailed because South African cops lied." by Congolese 20 & SJ Dodgson click here